Planned and built for the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, the Olympic Village with its buildings and facilities was intended to be used intensively beyond the Olympics - namely as a residential complex presenting contemporary forms of housing and urban development.
The Olympic Village is a utopia that has become reality: a residential area in the countryside, not far from the city center, with all facilities for around 10,000 residents. The three residential arms, extending mainly to the southwest, meet at the village center. The paths of pedestrian and vehicular traffic are consistently separated by a pedestrian level and underground roadways. The terraces give residents the opportunity to experience more sun and more sky. From here, the expanse is defining, but immediate views of the immediate surroundings are also possible. Habitat Olympia is an attempt to capture in photography and text what the Olympic Village is all about, according to its residents: an extraordinary attitude to life that grows out of extraordinary architecture.

Habitat is a collaboration between photographers Nick Frank,
Christian Vogel and freelance copywriter Anne Berwanger.