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Architecture photography - Part 1 | Nick Frank

Architecture photography

Interiors & Exteriors I

The Challenge

My work as a photographer for architecture is mostly about exteriors and interiors (exterior and interior views) but also architectural details.

There are different approaches: The spontaneous photo as an approach to the object, working out details, embedding in the environment or the artistic approach.


Various Clients



Euroboden Showroom Eingangsbereich

First part of my architecture photography, which I primarily photographed in Munich, but I also work for clients all over Germany.

Design Reisen Store, Empfangsbereich und SItzgruppe
Hausfassaden mit organischen Formen
Alt und neu, Moderner Bau verjüngt Wohnhaus
Frontdesk Autodesk Office München
View of the store foyer with staircase and person, detail jewelry
Detail eines Einbauschranks
Die goldene Küche. Architektur von Euroboden.
Einbauküche, Meetingsbereich und Arbeitsplatz
Details einer Einbauküche, Regal, Besteckfächer
Gut. Installation in einer Sparkasse.
Wandvertäfelung, Schrank und Schubladen
Weitwinkel Fotografie eines Heimkinos
Arrangement auf einer Kommode, Schlafzimmer